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Unica ICT Solutions

Information and communications technology (ICT) have rapidly conquered the world. Today, almost all primary business processes run on fast processors and smart software. That applies not only to (mobile) devices, but also to an increasing number of other systems in buildings. Unica can support clients in ICT and office automation, such as through software, hardware and cloud and telecom solutions. 
Unica can take care of the entire ICT chain by supplying, implementing, managing and maintaining ICT infrastructures. Through partnerships with software and hardware suppliers of premium brands and by providing independent advice, Unica can offer a broad portfolio with the most effective solutions for both ICT and telecommunications. Based on the conviction that ICT should work for users rather than the other way around, Unica not only focuses on the primary business process, but also on increasing employee satisfaction.  
In this way, Unica contributes to the business objectives of its clients. Through its twin datacenters, Unica helps with location and time independent working, strategic advice, implementations, ICT management, (mobile) telecom solutions and platform development. 

De wereld van digitale mogelijkheden openen voor onze klanten, dat is wat we bij Unica ICT Solutions doen. Hoe? Door platformen, infrastructuren en omgevingen te bouwen waarop ICT werkt zoals jij verwacht.

Om vervolgens de werkplek te creëren die bij jou past, waarmee jij effectiever en efficiënter kunt werken en waarmee je meer waarde en inzicht haalt uit je data. Alles met de juiste ondersteuning door ons grote, kundige service- en beheerteam.

Al ruim 25 jaar zorgen we er zo met al onze specialisten voor dat jij beschikt over de ICT-oplossingen waarmee jij optimaal je werk kunt doen.

Solution Competencies

Hybrid Cloud

  • XaaS Built with ONTAP
  • XaaS Built with StorageGRID

Technology Solutions

  • StorageGRID
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Partner Information



  • Son En Breugel, Netherlands

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