Pass the NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer – Data Protection exam to stay ahead of the technology curve. Those that achieve this certification have validation of their skills, knowledge, and capabilities in NetApp® data protection solutions, assessment of customer data storage requirements, as well as the implementation of backup and disaster recovery solutions.
The NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer–Data Protection exam tests the candidate’s skills, knowledge, and capabilities in NetApp® data protection solutions, assessment of customer data storage requirements, as well as the implementation of backup and disaster recovery solutions.
Candidates should have six to twelve months of experience with: NetApp ONTAP replication technologies, planning, implementing and administering NetApp data protection and recovery solutions.
Candidates must first achieve the NetApp Certified Data Administrator (NCDA) certification.
You should be able to do these tasks
You should be familiar with these tools
Domain 1. Data Protection Solutions
Domain 2. NetApp ONTAP Core Data Protection Features
Domain 3. NetApp Data Protection Software
Domain 4. NetApp ONTAP Business Continuity Solutions
Domain 5. Troubleshooting and Testing
Candidates must first achieve the NetApp Certified Data Administrator (NCDA) certification.
Consider completing the following NetApp Associate Accreditation exams:
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