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Accelerating autonomous driving development with Azure NetApp Files

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Tilman Schroeder

The race to dominate the autonomous driving space is on, and Azure NetApp Files offers a powerful solution to accelerate the development process for autonomous vehicles (AV) and advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS). This blog post highlights how Azure NetApp Files can help businesses by speeding up development cycles while reducing costs and optimizing cloud service architectures.

The lifecycle of autonomous driving

The lifecycle of autonomous driving can be divided into four main stages: data collection, data processing, algorithm development, and testing and validation. Azure NetApp Files plays a crucial role in the last stage, testing and validation, to help ensure the safety and reliability of AV and ADAS algorithms.

Why Azure NetApp Files for testing and validation?

The high throughput, low latency, and seamless integration of Azure NetApp Files with Azure services make it an excellent choice for demanding workloads in testing and validation. Here are some reasons why it's the go-to solution for autonomous driving development.

  • Real-time processing. AV and ADAS algorithms need to make split-second decisions based on processed data. Azure NetApp Files reduces latency for faster data access and improved decision making.
  • Large data volumes. AVs can generate terabytes of data per day. Azure NetApp Files efficiently processes and stores this data, maintaining low latency and high throughput.
  • Complex simulations. The high-performance capabilities and simple management of Azure NetApp Files enable faster validation and iteration cycles, speeding up the overall development process.
  • Iterative development. Azure NetApp Files significantly reduces the time required to access and process data, enabling more iterations and faster development cycles.

By integrating Azure NetApp Files into your AV/ADAS pipeline, you can reap significant benefits, including the following.

Cost savings. Consolidate resources and reduce infrastructure costs with NetApp® intelligent data management features.

Accelerated time to market. Faster development cycles and reduced simulation times help businesses gain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving autonomous transportation industry.

Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) optimization. Azure NetApp Files native Kubernetes integration contributes to a high degree of automation and data protection.

Service design: Azure NetApp Files for testing and validation

Azure region figure 1

In conclusion, Azure NetApp Files is a game changer for businesses involved in autonomous driving development. By incorporating it into your AV/ADAS pipeline, you can accelerate development, reduce costs, and help ensure safety – all vital factors for success in the fast-paced world of autonomous transportation.

Learn more about NetApp automotive solutions.

Tilman Schroeder

Tilman joined NetApp in 2018 where he now holds the role of Cloud Lead Automotive. Here, Tilman is the technical lead for emerging technology in the automotive industry and responsible for developing and implementing service architectures for emerging use cases such as Product Lifecycle Management, Machine Learning and Autonomous Driving. At NetApp, Tilman can pursue his passion and support global automotive companies in establishing an enterprise-proven hybrid cloud data layer for their most innovative workloads.

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