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Women In Technology - 2018 Year In Review

Anna Schlegel

As we enter 2019, I wanted to pause and reflect on what we accomplished last year as a group. Many people ask for what is the return on investment of WIT? That question can be answered by looking at the results of what we have been able to accomplish—together.

We are a community of peers, a place to brainstorm and learn, a place to practice leadership, a group to push ideas, seek equality, a team to drive diversity. Together, we are better. We are focused, we have goals, we are a global movement.

As a data driven organization, it is fitting that we examine the data for our accomplishments this year.  In 2018, membership in the NetApp WIT group grew to 1,240 members across thirteen global site chapters.

In addition to 115 representatives from NetApp, we were excited to participate in two speaking opportunities during the recent 2018 Grace Hopper Celebration in Houston (#GHC18): Jean English along with Kim Weller presented “Data Visionary: Changing the World With Data” as well as Meghan Steele participated as a member on the panel session “Career Confessions: How I became a Leader in Tech” during the conference. Sheila Rohra, VP, Transformation shared the mantra of “Transformation: Stop. Change. Invest” to the audience attending the Grace Hopper Celebration India (#GHCI18).

We were pleased to host standing room crowds at our annual Annual Women in Technology Events held during the NetApp Insight conference in Las Vegas and Barcelona. The Las Vegas panel session was hosted by Jean English and included special guests Kate Swanborg, DreamWorks Animation and Renee Yao, NVIDIA. They were joined by NetApp CEO, George Kurian, along with Sheila Rohra.

Joining myself, Jean English and Kate Swanborg, the Barcelona panel session included NetApp EVP, Worldwide Field and Customer Operations, Henri Richard along with NetApp’s Global Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, Barb Hardy and NetApp Professional Services Consultant, Therese Ho.

In addition to these events, NetApp WIT hosted exciting Executive Speakers training sessions, challenging and collaborating with the WIT community both inside and outside of NetApp. We hosted global leadership webinars for members—including 18 Watermark Leadership webinars.

We sponsored workshops, networking events, and conferences including the Professional Women’s Business Conference, WT2 conference, Massachusetts Women’s Conference, CWIB conference and Simmons Leadership conference. NetApp’s Bhavna Mistry presented at the European Women in Tech Conference.

NetAppWIT actively participates in member driven community outreach efforts including local STEM events, Girls @ Tech, Dress for Success, Operation Dignity Outreach, Ronald McDonald House and #MentorHer.

We were pleased to present the #IAmUnique video series in India, along with many weekly and monthly networking sessions to encourage a sense of community—a place to learn, a place to practice, a place to give back and to serve.

I am looking forward to the exciting opportunities and possibilities for 2019. I encourage you to join us!

Follow our activities on social media with #NetAppWIT and join the conversation on Twitter: @NetAppWIT.

Anna Schlegel

Anna N Schlegel is Vice President of the Global Portfolio-to-Market Lifecycle organization at NetApp. Anna serves as the Executive Sponsor of NetApp’s Women in Technology organization (WIT), where she focuses on developing female leaders in the tech industry. She is also the co-founder of Women in Localization, the leading professional organization for women in the Localization industry with over 5000 members worldwide. Anna speaks 6 languages, is a native of Catalunya, and lives with her family in Santa Clara, California.

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