Cyber criminals don’t take vacations. They are unrelenting. That’s why we’re launching a monthly educational cybersecurity series to help you stay prepared, not scared.
The need for preparation is critical. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, data breaches increased 72% between 2021 and 2023. Every day, companies face unscrupulous bad actors. But they can be thwarted. The NetApp Executive Briefing Center is excited to offer a new monthly Solution Series on cybersecurity, “The CSO’s guide to security done right.” In our first session, on August 23, NetApp Chief Marketing Officer Gabie Boko and I will help demystify cyberthreats, so you can develop a tangible game plan that’s appropriate for your organization.
The session, “Prepared, not scared: Making cybersecurity everyone’s job,” will cover several topics, including:
Session 1: Aug. 23, 2024 | 1 -1:30 PM CT | Hosted Virtually via Zoom
You will come away from the discussion feeling better informed and more confident about how to bolster your cyberdefenses. We will describe a comprehensive initial strategy to implement the major components of a cybersecurity plan, including:
Sign up to participate in the new monthly CSO Solution Series.
Mignona Cote, SVP and chief security officer at NetApp, has become a world leader in multi-cloud security, building solutions in high-tech, healthcare, insurance, and large financial institutions. Under her leadership, her team has unified security accountability internally to protect NetApp as well as externally to protect customers ultimately by moving NetApp to a SuperCloud architecture, which combines edge computing, multi-cloud, and multi-location recourses to create a powerful computing environment. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Systems from Northwestern State University and a MBA from Louisiana State University.