I’m pleased to share that NetApp is offering free storage on Google Cloud for IT teams addressing the digital fallout of the pandemic. Technology has been our connective fiber during this time, keeping people connected, keeping businesses running, and offering hope for a rapid medical solution. Behind the scenes, overburdened IT teams are racing to maintain the performance of systems and applications — often without access to their data centers — even as that burden continues to grow.
To give IT teams more flexibility with their storage infrastructure, NetApp is making 25TB of its file storage service for Google Cloud available free of charge for 90 days. To qualify for the offer go to the registration page and a NetApp cloud specialist will contact you to help with the onboarding process.
Robert is a senior product marketing manager with over 20 years of product marketing and product management experience. He is focused on NetApp’s Cloud Data Services, working to enable customers to deliver business outcomes for all IT workloads in cloud, multicloud, and hybrid cloud environments. Robert is an avid cyclist and loves to be outdoors.