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EHR on Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

EHR on Amazon FSx for NetApp MRI

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Brian Omahoney
Brian O'Mahony

Most healthcare organizations have a cloud strategy: They’d like to reduce data center costs and accelerate their shift to the cloud. But that journey comes with challenges, including moving mission-critical electronic health records (EHRs) and the associated drag of hundreds of supporting applications. Fortunately, the NetApp and AWS partnership aligns perfectly to meet these healthcare goals. NetApp has demonstrated leadership with AWS for a decade as an Advanced AWS Technology Partner. By focusing on accelerating customer innovation, this partnership has gained the trust of thousands of customers worldwide.

NetApp® ONTAP® is the world’s most widely deployed data management software. With a 30-year history of inovation, NetApp is relied upon by over 4,000 healthcare organizations. Before solutions like NetApp ONTAP in the cloud, EHRs had been the boat anchor for the healthcare cloud journey. Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP frees the anchor. ONTAP empowers organizations to accelerate the migration of mission-critical enterprise applications to the cloud.

Why move EHR to the cloud? The benefits vary for every organization. The most common goals are to reduce cost, get out of the data center business, focus on patient outcomes, unlock data to help drive innovation, and leverage the ever-growing capabilities of the cloud.

Here are some of the many reasons that FSx for ONTAP is ideal for EHRs in the cloud.

  • Streamline quarterly upgrades

With FSx for ONTAP, you can rapidly deploy software releases and right-size infrastructure without lengthy planning and budgeting processes. Upgrades are 85% faster and response times are 60% quicker with cloud-based EHR.

  • Reduce your total cost of ownership

Amazon FSx for ONTAP for EHR eliminates the need for 12- to 18-month project planning for hardware refreshes that occur every 3 to 5 years. Healthcare executives look to the cloud for faster provisioning of IT to meet dynamic business requirements.

  • Improve performance, uptime, and data protection for EHR

The solution is broadly accessible and highly available and performant, so EHR customers can be assured that their most critical data is protected and always on in AWS.

FSx for ONTAP allows healthcare to remove the challenges of managing data centers and to focus on what they do best—innovating and improving patient care outcomes. With the combined power of AWS and NetApp with FSx ONTAP, you can start your cloud journey today.

The EHR boat anchor

Why this unique partnership? Both companies realized that there was a gap in capabilities offered by storage and data management solutions on premises and in the public cloud. This gap weighed down companies that were looking to adopt and expand into the cloud. Healthcare organizations found it difficult to migrate into the cloud and achieve the crucial requirements for running their mission-critical EHR workloads.

Key gaps include:

  • Limited scale and performance
  • Refactoring data and complex migrations
  • High TCO and low SLA
  • Lack of data management required to run EHR at scale
  • Security and compliance
  • Complexity of running all EHR workloads

FSx ONTAP uniquely addresses each of these challenges of migrating to and running in the cloud.

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP is a native AWS, fully managed service delivering file and block storage that’s tightly integrated with NetApp and AWS ecosystems. This is an AWS product, sold, supported, and fully managed by AWS. All of the ONTAP capabilities are available and integrated into this solution. FSx ONTAP unlocks the best of the cloud with the industry-leading data management operating system on the leading cloud.

FSx for ONTAP lets you move all of your EHR workloads, file and block, into AWS cloud without rearchitecting critical applications. FSx ONTAP storage can be easily mounted from virtual machines that are created in AWS. A customer using NetApp ONTAP on premises can simply use NetApp SnapMIrror® replication to lift and shift workloads to the cloud.

Figure 1) Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Features powered by ONTAP

ehr on aws

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Are you ready to lift the anchor and inject EHR efficiencies into your healthcare business?

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Brian O'Mahony

Brian is a global business development manager for Electronic Health Records (EHR) at NetApp. He has over 20 years’ experience in healthcare. At NetApp he manages several EHR vendors and provides industry though leadership and education to NetApp’s healthcare business. Over the years, he has served in several different roles designing, selling, and implementing EHR solutions. He has helped transform countless healthcare organizations on how to unlock data to help improve patient care.

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