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NetApp IT Podcast: Automating E-Series Management with REST API

Mary Jo LeBlanc

At the 2019 NetApp INSIGHT conference in Las Vegas, Senior Storage Engineer Ram Kodialbail sat down with Cloud Editor-in-Chief Steve Mudd to discuss how NetApp IT uses the NetApp® SANtricity® Web Services Proxy to automate the discovery of new NetApp E-Series arrays and detect failure events. 

With E-Series arrays scattered across multiple data centers, it can be tough for operations staff to manage them effectively from the SANtricity Manager GUI. Critical alerts are likely to be overlooked, and tasks might get dropped between shift turnovers. For the NetApp IT storage team, the SANtricity Web Services Proxy helps overcome these hurdles by providing REST API access to storage arrays.

In addition to these efforts, Ram talked about enabling and empowering IT operational teams. With standards built into infrastructure as code solutions, operations staff can deploy across storage infrastructure and data centers in a matter of minutes.  

Ram is a member of the NetApp Customer-1 program, which involves being an early adopter of new NetApp technologies. He shared his thoughts on what that entails in the new podcast, “Automating E-Series Management with REST API.” 

Check out more NetApp IT podcasts, recorded at NetApp INSIGHT 2019:

Mary Jo LeBlanc

As a proven IT storyteller and content creator, Mary Jo has spent the past 15 years distilling nuanced technical concepts into compelling, authentic narratives to drive business results. As a member of the NetApp on NetApp program, Mary Jo is the curator of IT stories covering data management, cloud, infrastructure, DevOps, XaaS and much more. When not honing our IT stories, Mary Jo spends her time riding bikes, hiking, kayaking, and hanging out with family and friends.

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