
NetApp 與 Google Cloud 策略會議


Download your Google Cloud guide

To help you as you explore Google Cloud’s full range of capabilities, we’ve pulled together a few helpful guides. Whether you’re looking to bring more apps into cloud, to strengthen your cyber fortifications, or to get your VMs off premises, we have a guide for that.


一旦您結合運用 NetApp® 技術與 Google Cloud,您將獲得前所未有的成就。從執行 SMB/CIFS、NFS 和 SAP 檔案共用,到移轉儲存密集型 VMware 工作負載,再到內建災難恢復功能的跨區域複寫,我們都能為您完成更多工作,讓雲端更符合您的需求。

Move forward with confidence

You’ve invested in us—and we’re invested in you. We’ve mapped solutions for the most common cloud use cases. So take stock of where you are today, then plan for what more you can do.

已有 Google Cloud 承諾方案?

您可以自信地為 Google Cloud 支出承諾制定計畫,藉助我們的專家找出適當的工作負載、最佳化資料、明確預測預算,以便輕鬆解決業務挑戰,同時節省時間和金錢。現在財務長已經核准這個方案了。



深入瞭解如何利用 NetApp 提升 Google Cloud 表現。

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