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PASTE: Network Stacks must Integrate with NVMM Abstractions


November 10, 2016


Michio Honda, Lars Eggert, Douglas Santry. NetApp, Inc.

Fifteenth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets 2016) November 9-10, 2016 — Atlanta, Georgia , USA.

This paper argues that the lack of explicit support for nonvolatile main memory (NVMM) in network stacks fundamentally limits application performance. NVMM devices have been integrated into general-purpose OSes by providing familiar file-based interfaces and efficient byte-granularity access by bypassing page caches. However, this powerful property cannot be fully utilized unless network stacks also support it and applications exploit such support. This requires a thoroughly new network stack design, including low-level buffer management and APIs. We propose such a new network stack architecture to support NVMM and demonstrate its advantages for efficient write-ahead logging, a popular technique to implement transactions.


The definitive version of the paper can be found at:

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